What is Responsible Lending?
Sustainable Development is at the forefront of the national agenda, influencing Banks and NBFCs to foster ESG-based responsible lending. This directs them towards funding sustainable projects based on Environment, Social, and Governance aspects and also…
Customer Data Privacy And Information Security
Customer data privacy is a top concern for everyone, whether regulatory agencies, banks, or private institutions, The breaches of data privacy and information security may affect individuals/companies in a serious way. Therefore, the security of…
Overview of Industry Segments Automobile Industry
Overview of industry segments Automobile industry: India’s automobile market is the largest in the world in terms of unit production for Two-wheelers, Three-wheelers and tractors. While two-wheelers and passenger vehicles dominate the domestic auto market,…
APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY | Kogta Financial [April 2023]
BRIEF OUTLINE ABOUT THE REPORT Kogta Financial (India) Limited (KFL) believes that environmentally and socially responsible businesses are the foundation of a sustainable and inclusive society. This is the first communication of the organisation to…
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
Environment protection and community care have been a way of life at Kogta Financial and through our annual CSR activities, we have endeavoured to contribute to these causes. During FY 2022-23, we supported various not-for-profit…
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Sector
MSMEs play a crucial role in the Indian economy. They account for around 30% of the country’s GDP, 48% of its exports, 95% of the country’s industrial units, and 40% employment of India’s workforce. There…
Process of Udyam Registration & Benefits for MSMEs
The Udyam Registration is a great way for new ventures and enterprises to get registered officially and get access to government benefits and other rebates without any cost. Wanted to know more? This blog covers…
Management Discussion and Analysis
ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Global Economy According to the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects report – April 2023, the global economy appears poised for a gradual recovery from the powerful blows of the pandemic and of Russia’s…
The organization has established an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) to integrate sustainable development into its core business strategies. KFL recognises the importance of sustainable finance to achieve triple-bottom-line outcomes in the long term,…
NBFC Sector in India | Kogta Financial India Limited
NBFC sector in India With the overall rebound in the economy, the non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) sector is expected to register good growth in FY 2023 and FY 2024 too. According to ICRA Ratings, NBFCs…
25 years of Strengthening our Strategic Advantages
Over the years, Kogta Financial has been fine-tuning its client interface, operations, products and processes to enhance its performance on various parameters and deliver benefits to all its stakeholders. Some of the key elements of…
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS | Kogta Financial [April 2023]
RESPONSIBLE LENDING KFL integrates ESG criteria into its operations and financing decisions for screening the material ESG risks and opportunities of every product offered. This ensures that our services and operations are sustainable from an…